Robotic Guide Dog Speech Interface

Summer 2021 Internship at UC Berkeley - Mechanical Engineering Department

In the summer of 2021, I participated in UC Berkeley’s Transfer-to-Excellence REU program in the Hybrid Robotics Group under Professor Koushil Sreenath where I conducted research to allow an autonomous robot to physically guide humans.

My role in the research team was to independently create a speech interface on their proposed robotic guide dog to allow an impaired/elderly person being led to verbally communicate with the robot, allowing for explicit interaction between the two. I utilized Python and C++ for the algorithms as well as AWS Polly and Google Cloud Speech-to-Text APIs while integrating all of this into the guide dog’s infrastructure which was in ROS. I have written a research paper that was cited by Google DeepMind and have presented my research at multiple symposiums across UC Berkeley. This research program gave me my first taste of what research is like and allowed me to apply my skills to something I am passionate about.

Unitree Robotics A1 robot with speakerphone installed to send and receive audio data.

Here are the simulated navigation maps. On the left, is the navigation map showing initial position in the purple circle. On the right, is the map after receiving navigation goal coordinates from user via speech interface. The green figures portray the final position of the user and robot, while the green line is the path created to that final position goal.

Berkeley Undergraduate Engineering Research Poster Session. On the left, a subset of my cohort who presented. Middle, me posing with my poster. Right, discussing my research and answering questions with attendees.